Posts tagged with "2013"

вязаная ёлка спицами, ёлка в горшке, интерьерное украшение на новый год, стильная мини ёлка, новогодний декор
Tree height of about 45 cm Materials -. branch of a tree, 100% cotton yarn, wooden frame.
Вязаный осьминог, Knitted Octopus
Size knitted octopus of about 14 cm (5.5 inches). Materials - 100% cotton yarn, hollofayber, buttons.
игрушечные домики из фанеры, игрушечный деревянный город
The height of the houses 8-12 см. Materials - plywood and acrylic paint, markers.
crochet pumpkin pattern
Size crochet pumpkins of about 7 cm (2.7 inches). Materials - cotton/acrilyc yarn.
Knitted scarf snood
амигуруми, вязаные куклы крючком, вязаная сказка про принцессу, вязаные куклы в костюмах, авторская вязаная игрушка, кукольный театр с вязаными игрушками
Once upon a time in a kingdom far, far away there lived a princess ... ...And Knight. Princess was very beautiful, and Knight was a very brave.
модные детские брюки, стильные брюки для мальчика, бирюзовые узкие брюки
Pattern from Ottobre Design magazine.
Knitted Striped Monster
Size Monster toy of about 10 cm (4 inches). Materials - cotton yarn, hollofayber, buttons.
Crochet Fishing Game for baby
Crochet fish need to catch on the 'hook'. But sometimes you can catch not only fish. The game consists of 13 figures - sea creatures. Yes, we have sea fishing! For storage of figurines I sewed a special bag. Size crochet toys of about 5 cm (2 inches). Materials - 100% cotton yarn, hollofayber, buttons.
Handmade bird's nest
It turns out I can make nests like birds. This nest was done as a props for a photoshoot.

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